Sunday, December 4, 2011

Christmas, NaNo, beauty blogging, and Joy.

Christmas is coming! I have done so much shopping but still have some to do. I just love this time of year. As a kid it was all the presents I get - but as I get older it truly is about the ones I give! Seeing other people get excited over something I have done really makes me happy. It's like a high I can get from nothing else. YAY presents!.. or as my dear bestie Scar says.. Prezzies!

IN addition to this, NaNoWriMo is over. I hit 19,222 words this year. My personal goal was 20K. I knew that with taking a 15 credit semester, work, Trey's science fair project, Mom unable to drive (I am infact the only driver in the house), trips to Grandma's, etc etc etc, I would never hit 50K. I didn't set myself up for failure - I gave myself a new goal. And I was THIS close to making it. I'll count it as a victory for myself.

Also, incase you didn't know, I started a beauty blog a while ago. My rate of views on the blog is growing every day. I focus on lipstuff ("I love my lipstick!" as my boss likes to say my catchphrase is.)  but I dabble in other beauty things too. Note: beauty is more than your face, it's in your soul and I blog about that too.

I'm taking a trip to the Carolina's soon. There is a breath of fresh air waiting for me.


  1. Count it as a victory! It's a wonder how you manage to fit so much in! As long as your enjoying it, I think it's wonderful. I'm also pleased about the lipstuff blog too!

    But, seriously, must give me details on your Carolinas trip! *fingers crossed* I'll be in the Raleigh area of NC for xmas and new years and it would *AMAZING* if we could meet up! x

  2. It's absolutely a victory! Finding time to get nearly 20,000 words with everything else you've had going on is awesome.

    Love the beauty blog and have a fabulous trip!
